Stylistic Review
Learn how to use Fume to review your codebase for stylistic issues.
Stylistic review is the process where Fume inspects your changes and the codebase (for context) without actually running it. This is useful to catch issues like:
- Style guide infringements
- Incorrect types
- Incorrect formatting
- Obvious bugs
- Performance issues
If Fume finds an issue, it will usually comment on the specific line that has been changed. However, if the issue is related to the chages made but not in the changes, Fume may also leave comments outside the diff.
For some comments, Fume will also suggest a fix. These can be multi-line or even multi-file! If you decide that changes seem good, you can commit them with one click. This is especially useful for small nitpicks that are good practice but you wouldn't spend time fixing them yourself.
If you want to customize the way Fume reviews your code, you can learn more about it in the Customizing Fume section.