Github Integration

Github Integration

Learn how to integrate Fume with your Github organization.

1) Install the FumeDev GitHub App

Navigate to the Integrations tab on the left hand bar and click on the Github integration:

Once the intgration modal is open, you should click on the Install App button.

You will be redirected to the Github website where you can install the app. Please go through the installation process, selecting the repositories you want to use Fume on. After completion, you will be redirected back to Fume.

2) Creating a Studio

Navigate to the Studio tab on the left hand bar and click on the Create Studio button.

Once the studio creation modal is open, wait until the integrations are checked. If you see the option to select from your Github repositories, CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully integrated Fume with your Github organization. Now all you have to do is create a studio for all of your repositories and start using Fume. To do that, simply select one repository you want to use Fume on and click on the Create Studio button.

It may take a few minutes for the studio to be ready. Once it is ready, Fume will start sending reviews to the selected repository. You may create more studios for other repositories as well while the first one is being created. Reminder: In this state, Fume will not be able to conduct functional testing on the repository. It will only be able to send static reviews. Here is how you can set up a repository for functional testing: Studio Setup.

Manual Studio mapping (optional)

In some (rare) cases, you might need to map multiple repositories to the same studio. You can manually map repositories to a studio. This is done by the Github integrationn section in the Integrations tab on the left hand bar:

One studio can be linked to multiple repositories. The studio should have the status as READY before you can map it to a repository. You can learn more about setting up a studio here.