Account Setup

Account Setup

Learn how to set up Fume organization account.

First things first, you need to sign up for a team account at:

There, you will add your your company name and position as well as the regular registration information like your work email and full name. Each account is a team acoount with a single seat by default. If you need to you will be able to add more seats in your team later.

Once you have signed up, you will be redirected to the integration selector.

Fume has to be connected to yout code repository in order to be able to review your code. Therefore, this integration is a crucial part of your setup. Team accounts only have access to Github integration by default. If you need any of the other integrations, please contact us at or book a time with us to discuss your use case at Please do not forget to specify which integration(s) you are interested in.

If you continue with the GIthub integration, you will be taken to the Fume's Github App installation page. You may found more details about the Github integration in the Github Integration section.

Once you complete your integration, you will be taken back to the Fume setup helper. You will be asked the number of engineers in your team. This will be used to calculate the number of seats that will be allocated to you during your free trial period. Don't worry you will never be charged automatically.

Final step is creating your first studio. To do so, click on the "Create Studio" button and give a name for your studio in the following page.

This name is just for display and can demonstrate one or multiple repositories you will store in this studio.

Once the studio is created, you will see it in the studio list. Be aware that these are fully fledged machines that will serve as an isolated development environment for Fume to work in; therefore, it might take a few minutes to boot up. Whenever it's ready, you will the status pill ont he top roght corner of the studio card go green and say READY.

Now, you've completed the setup for your organization account. You should move on with setting up your first studio.