Customizing Fume
Learn how to customize Fume to your needs.
Fume is designed to be customizable. You can customize Fume to follow your own testing guidelines using the .fumeconfig
file. This file is a special file that Fume will automatically detect and use.
Here are the different sections you can use to provide Fume with custom knowledge:
Studio contents
You can treat this section like a system prompt. Usually the most helpful information to include here is the project's structure and contents. Helpful things to include are:
- General structure
- Important files
- Important directories
- Tech stack
You can use this section to provide Fume with any important knowledge or guidelines that it shoud follow throughout the task. For example, you can include:
- Code review guide
- Testing guidelines
- Test login information
- General stuff to look out for
You can use this information to ignore some files during all Fume tasks in this studio. Remember: Everything in .gitignore
is already ignored. You do no have to repeat it here.
App Start (Required for functional testing)
This section is required for functional testing. You can input multiple sequences of Unix commands and they will be used to start the application in a way that Fume can test it. If the commands are in the same box and seperated by a new-line, they will be executed sequentially in the same terminal session. If you add a nw process from the button at the bottom, the commands in those two will be executed in parallal in seperate processes. A good example for this is starting app a backend and a frontend service for an app in seprate processes.